Our Beaver Colonies...
Beaver Scouts is for young people, both boys and girls, aged between 6 and 8 years old. Beavers is all about fun and friendship! There are lots of different activities to try, and badges to gain. There are many fun and exciting things for Beaver Scouts to do including making things, outdoor activities, singing, playing games, going on visits, investigating nature, listening to stories, learning how to be safe and, most importantantly, making new friends!
Beavers is the start of many children’s scouting adventures, with most moving up to Cubs when they turn 8 years old.
At Fairmilehead Scout group we have two Beaver Colonies – Foxspring and Swanspring – both of which meet in the Church Halls on a Monday evening from 6.00 pm – 7.00 pm.
Joining Beavers
When a new Beaver has visited the colony a few times and they are ready to join officially we have a short ceremony called an ‘investiture.’ This is when they make their Beaver Scout Promise by repeating it after the Beaver Scout Leader. Click the hand on the right to learn all you need to know about the Beaver Scout Promise.
New beavers who join the colony need to buy a blue beaver jumper. The Scout Group will provide a tartan neckerchief and all the badges.
The nearest shop that sells beaver jumpers is the Edinburgh Guide Shop at 16 Coates Cresecent, Edinburgh, EH3 7AH. The map on the right shows where it is.
Alternatively you can buy them online from Scout Shops by clicking here.
Staged Activity Badges
There are now 16 different staged activity badges that can be earned whether a young person is a Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer – based on their level of ability or experience. These include the Nights Away Badge which records how many nights a young person has been away with scouting.
(These badges are circular and light blue with a purple border.)
Challenge Awards
The 6 Beaver Challenge Awards are achieved by completing a number of more ambitious tasks within the colony. Most of the work for these is completed through taking an active part in our programme of activities but a few may require some extra work out with our normal beaver nights.
(These badges are hexagonal and red with a dark border.)
Can you .... Make us truly awesome ?
Do you have a special set of skills ?
Teamwork is at the heart of Scouting, we build it in young people, and it takes teams of adults to make it happen. With your help and support we are able to offer our young people good quality Scouting with an opportunity of fun, challenging and exciting activities. We aim to identify any skills your family and friends have that could help us achieve this. Everyone has something to offer, whether it is through their work or hobbies (maybe you are a dentist and could visit and talk to us, or you work in a baked bean factory, we may be able to visit). Have a look at the wide range of activity badges available by clicking on the badges themselves. You may have skills / interests which you could share with us. Contact us using the details below |
Getting in touch .........
For the parents/guardians of Beavers already in the pack – please contact
David at Swanspringbeavers – swanspringbeavers@gmail.com
Richard or David at Foxspringbeavers – foxspringbeavers@gmail.com
For General enquiries regarding the Scout Group – please contact fairmilehead@gmail.com